- Avoid hot tubs, saunas, and tanning beds
- Self tanning creams are safe (if they do not contain retinol)
- Avoid Smoking/tobacco, alcohol, caffeine, dieting
- Register early for childbirth classes (by 20 weeks). Call (828) 213-8113.
After 28 weeks of pregnancy, it is important to count fetal movement daily
Count fetal movements and make sure your reach ten counted movements before 1 hour has passed. (If you get to ten before an hour has passed, you can stop counting.) Call if you are unable to get this amount.
Call anytime you think that you are leaking amniotic fluid, usually associated with a constant trickle or gush of fluid.
Can be normal occurrence in pregnancy but please discuss with your doctor at your appointment to confirm that the discharge is normal.
Recommendation: Avoid stimulating the breast and do not try to express the milk as this will only make you produce more.
Contractions can be normal in pregnancy but some can be a sign of labor or preterm labor.
Recommendation: Call if contractions are painful, more than 6 in one hour, continue to increase in intensity and do not resolve with rest and hydration.
The American College of Ob/Gyn makes the following suggestions during pregnancy::
You can have your teeth cleaned, have fillings, have teeth pulled, and have x-rays if they shield your abdomen. They can use local numbing medicine and certain antibiotics. Make sure you tell your dentist you are pregnant and let us know if he or she would like a note from us. It is actually better for your pregnancy if you maintain good dentition during pregnancy.
You may continue the same exercise program you had before pregnancy unless we have recommended otherwise.
Most common in late pregnancy and in hot weather and in women who are on their feet throughout the day.
Caused by increased pressure from pregnancy and increased venous dilatation.